We are currently seeking sponsorships for the 2025 Double Decker Arts Festival. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, view our sponsorship levels below or view our sponsorship brochure. Please email Lee Ann, Double Decker Coordinator at leeann@visitoxfordms.com for more information.
CO-STAGE: $25,000 - only 2 Available
- Logo featured on one of the Main Stage Side Scrims all weekend
- Media mentions in all promotional content
- Logo listing on Festival T-Shirt and Poster (2000+ t-shirts/500+ posters)
- Logo on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
- Promotional booth space
- 4x social media prior to event (33,000+ followers)
- 20 T-Shirts
- 20 weekend passes for Sponsor Tent
- Official DDAF poster signed by artist and framed
- Logo on banner ad in official DDAF app (75k views in 1 week - 2023)
Sponsor Tent: $20,000 - only 1 Available
- Naming rights to the Sponsor Tent
- Logo listing on Festival T-Shirt and Poster (2000+ t-shirts/500+ posters)
- Logo on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
- 4x social media prior to event (33,000+ followers)
- Promotional booth space
- 15 T-Shirts
- 15 weekend passes for Sponsor Tent
- Official DDAF poster signed by artist and framed
- Logo on banner ad in official DDAF app (75k views in 1 week - 2023)
Faulkner: $15,000 - only 4 available
- Media mentions in all promotional content
- Logo listing on Festival T-Shirt and Poster (2000+ t-shirts/500+ posters)
- Logo on Festival Light Pole Banners hung downtown Square (March through Event)
- Logo on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
- Promotional booth space
- 4x social media prior to event (33,000+ followers)
- 15 T-Shirts
- 15 weekend passes for Sponsor Tent
- Official DDAF poster signed by artist and framed
- Logo on banner ad in official DDAF app (75k views in 1 week - 2023)
Kid Zone: $10,000 - only 1 available
- Naming rights to the Square Fair w/business name and or logo printed on wristbands
- Logo listing on Festival T-Shirt and Poster (2000+ t-shirts/500+ posters)
- Logo on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
- 4x social media prior to event (33,000+ followers)
- Promotional booth space
- 10 T-Shirts
- 10 weekend passes for Sponsor Tent
- Official DDAF poster signed by artist and framed
SQUARE: $6,000 - only 5 available
- Logo listing on Festival T-Shirt and Poster (2000+ t-shirts/500+ posters)
- 10x10 Promotional Booth Space (Saturday)
- 8x weekend passes for Sponsor Tent
- Official DDAF poster signed by artist and framed
- Logo on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
- 2x social media prior to event (33k+ followers)
SHUTTLE: $5,000 - only 1 available
- Logo Magnets on shuttle buses
- Listing on Festival poster
- 4x weekend passes for Sponsor Tent
- 1x social media prior to event (33k+ followers)
- Listed on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
OXONIAN: $3,000 - 12 available
- Listing on festival poster
- 10x10 Promotional Booth Space (Saturday)
- 1x social media prior to event (33k+ followers)
- 4x weekend passes for Sponsor Tent
- Official DDAF poster signed by artist and framed
- Listed on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
LAFAYETTE: $2,000 - 20 available
- Banner hung with business name and logo on the festival grounds
- Business name on festival poster
- 1x social media prior to event (33k+ followers)
- 2x weekend passes for Sponsor Tent
- Official DDAF poster signed by artist
- Listed on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
DOUBLE DECKER BUS SPONSORSHIP: $1,250 - only 4 available
- Banner w/business name and logo on the Double Decker Bus that will be parked at the event for photo opportunities
- 1x social media prior to event (33k+ followers)
- Listed on Canvas Merchandise Bag
- Listed on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
MISSISSIPPIAN: $1,000 - only 4 available
- 1x social media prior to event (33k+ followers)
- Listed on Canvas Merchandise Bag
- Listed on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)
FRIENDS & FAMILY OF DOUBLE DECKER: $1,000 - 6 available
- 2 weekend passes for sponsor tent
- Friday night dinner
- Saturday lunch, dinner
BUS DRIVER: $500 - only 4 available
- Festival will place coupons or flyers for your business in shopping bags at Merchandise Tent
- Listed on Festival Website (over 270K+ pageviews)